Part 2部分图片描述题概况:
See the photograph in Visual Materials . It shows some people doing sports. Please tell us what you can see in the photograph.
In this photograph,I can see several boys who are plaving basketball on a basketball court in the sunset. As we can see,all of the players are very strong. Some of the guys wears T-shirt and shorts. Others are half-naked. I tink the boy who wears a red T-shirt is the strongest one. The players on the court are concentrated on the basket- ball match. They are all staring at the basketbal in the air.There are a lot of specta- tors around the basketball court and they are all focusing on this battle. They might be friends of the players. From what they wear,I guess the weather is pretty hot The court is so flat and wide that players can run around freely. And the basketball stand looks quite solid. It must be extremely pleasing to play basketball on this court. The scenery of this picture is fascinating.Plenty of palms are around this court. Besides, there are some pavilions not far away. In short, the picture shows that some guys are playing basketbal match on the court with many spectators siting around.
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