FCE写作模板之议论文(Essay)真题范文哪里有?很多考生对FCE写作议论文要求并不清楚,2015年起FCE写作考试第一部分进行了改革,你需要在这个部分写一篇议论文。议论文为必写任务,字数为 140 - 190,分数为写作考试部分的一半,今天英普乐思为各位考生带来了FCE议论文真题赏析,帮助考生掌握FCE写作技巧。
Exam 写作真题与范文(一)
In your English class you have been talking about parents teaching children at home.
Now your English teacher has asked you to write an essay for homework.
Write an essay using all the notes and give reasons for your point of view.
Some parents teach their children at home rather than sending them to school.
Is this a good or a bad thing for the children?
Write about:
1. having a parent as a teacher
2. making friends
3. ………………………. (your own idea)
好了本期就FCE写作模板之议论文(Essay)真题范文就为大家推荐到这里,如果考生需要更多真题范文模板请添加小编个人微信:yingpulesi 咨询。
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