2020年FCE写作范文模板推荐:文章an article写作注意些什么?
2020年FCE写作范文模板推荐:文章an article写作注意些什么?很多参加FCE写作的考生对于FCE写作还不知道如何下手,不清楚应该做的和不能做的 应该做的,本期英普乐思小编给大家带来了FCE写作范文与模板,还总了FCE写作注意事项,各位考试抓紧时间收藏。
•多看其他人写的英文文章。无论是看报纸,还是看杂志,充分利用你能接触 到的每一篇文章。将其中的好词好句好表达划出来,腾抄到笔记中。只匆匆 略过是不够的,真正写作的时候,那些你认为你记住的表达方式可能就是回 忆不出来,所以把出现好词好句型的整句话抄写下来是非常必要的。
•要明白你的目标读者是谁。哪怕你知道“写给朋友的信”其实会被剑桥的阅卷 老师读到……也要写给朋友。常常在写作试题中,会明确地向你指出你的读 者是谁,你要依据这点来决定你的文章的用词、表达和写作风格。
•使用连接词将你的文章分成段落,并用有逻辑的方式连接你想表达的想法。 这会使你的文章易读性更高,尤其是文章较长的时候。
•要小心那些“愚盘''的错误。有些小毛病其实你都明白,你都懂,老师为你批 改作文的时候,你自己几乎马上会意识到自己为什么错,也马上可以改正。 那为什么不在自己写完以后,认真再读几遍,争取自己把它们改过来昵?比 如代词、时态、搭配、三单形式、单复数形式等等。
•多写,不断地写。给自己办一个模拟写作考试,用计时器按考试时间给自己 计时,并且按照考试字数要求来写。可能有的词和表达你会忘,但不要太担 心,现在忘了总比考试忘了要强,因为现在你仍然有机会拿词典去查查这些 词怎么说。
Life on a desert island How would you feel about living on a desert island? I can't imagine anything worse! I'd miss a lot of things but most of all, I would miss my home.
My home is a small house on the outskirts of a city. It was built about 50 years ago and has a small garden. In the summer, our country gets very hot but our house is always cooL
You'd probably think our house is nothing special, but I have lived there all my life and all my friends live nearby. It's a happy place, where I feel completely safe. Whenever I go away, I look forward to coming back, lying on my bed, reading a book and listening to my brother and sister arguing downstairs!
I love traveling and meeting new people, but if I were on a desert island, I'd be away from the place I love most my home; and I would hate that.
Don't throw it all away! Have you ever dreamt of becoming rich unexpectedly? Just imagine what your life would be like! However, some people who get rich quickly are very careless with their money and end up being poorer than they were before.
That's why I'd be very careful. I wouldn't want a completely different kind of life, so I'd start by putting some of it away, in case everything went wrong - set up a kind of "emergency fund". Then I would buy my hard- working parents a new home. They deserve it because they have always provided me with everything I've always wanted, even if it meant they had to go without.
I would also give some money away to needy people who are struggling in the world and have no food. It would not be right to just spend the money on myself. Then I think I would take a year off from studying and travel round the world in great comfort. I've spent most of my life traveling on a limited budget and sleeping in hostels.
After that, who knows? I'll see, but I certainly won't be buying any luxury cars!
如需转载注明:【本文章来自- 英普乐思ABCPlus www.abcplusedu.cn】